Sueños y realidades góticas: excesos y espectros del terror rosista en algunos relatos de Juana Manuela Gorriti


  • Marcos Seifert



Juana Manuela Gorriti, Gothic, Politics, Especters, Melodrama


The insistence of certain stories of Juana Manuela Gorriti in returning to a historical period politically dominated by the figure of Juan Manuel de Rosas converges in some cases with a tendency to incorporate elements of the Gothic literary tradition. To represent the excesses of politics, the author appeals to the resources of an excessive aesthetics. We explore the peculiarity of this articulation where the Gothic can be understood as a matrix that allows to account for identities and practices related to political and social issues. To do this the author focuses on the implications of the articulation between the Gothic and politics in the stories " El Lucero del Manantial", “El guante negro" and "La hija del mashorquero" published in Sueños y Realidades in 1865. In the first example the focus is on how Gothic fiction acquires sense when incorporating historical material. In the other two stories we deal primarily with the combination of Gothic with another genre also marked by excess: melodrama.

Author Biography

Marcos Seifert

Es Profesor y Licenciado en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Integra el grupo de investigación UBACyT “Formas del terror en la literatura argentina” y se encuentra actualmente cursando el doctorado en Letras en la UBA como becario doctoral del CONICET. Su proyecto de tesis se centra en las formas de extranjería en la literatura argentina contemporánea.



How to Cite

Seifert, M. (2014). Sueños y realidades góticas: excesos y espectros del terror rosista en algunos relatos de Juana Manuela Gorriti. Badebec, 3(06).