El mito de la Transición democrática en Chile. El témpano de hielo de la Expo-Sevilla 1992 y las crónicas radiales de Pedro Lemebel


  • Martina Bortignon




Democracy, Myth, Chilean Democratic Transition, Pedro Lemebel, Expo-Sevilla 1992


In this paper I will address the processes through which, during the Chilean Democratic Transition, the concept of democracy has been converted into a myth, in its political as well as in its cultural and artistic dimensions. Drawing on Mythologies by Barthes, I will explore this phenomenon and distinguish the substantive side of democracy from the one that is functional to the neo-liberal ideology. I will then analyze the idea of democracy that emerges from Expo-Sevilla 1992 and from the radio chronicles by Pedro Lemebel. In the first case, the iceberg and the supermarket offering national resources suggest the idea of a democracy of consumerism, in a country that has been mythically refunded and completely sanitized from its bloody past. In the second case, myth – following its original meaning of “narration” – weaves a diverse national story inspired in democracy as social equality and community link, resulting in a mythification of marginality.

Author Biography

Martina Bortignon

Está finalizando el “Dottorato in Lingue, Culture e Società” de la Università Ca' Foscari (Venezia), en cotutela con el “Doctorado en Literatura” de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Sus intereses de investigación son literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea, poesía chilena y argentina, literatura multimedia, literatura y biopolítica/marginalidad social, interrelaciones entre las artes, temas sobre los cuales tiene artículos publicados o en proceso de publicación. Ha presentado comunicaciones en varios simposios en universidades chilenas, italianas y españolas. Ha sido organizadora responsable y coordinadora del Simposio Internacional “Il lettore in gioco” (Ca' Foscari, 2010, cuatro jornadas), sobre fenomenología de la lectura.



How to Cite

Bortignon, M. (2013). El mito de la Transición democrática en Chile. El témpano de hielo de la Expo-Sevilla 1992 y las crónicas radiales de Pedro Lemebel. Badebec, 2(04). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v2i04.48


