Polémicas profesionales: valor literario y foquismo moral


  • Sergio Peralta




Martín Kohan, Sandra Contreras, Post autonomy, Literary value


The aim of this paper is to analyze the valuations of literary value and literary criticism based on the use of literature in three different environments: university classes, journals, and literature classrooms. The conception of the teacher as Moral focus, put forward by Alasdair MacIntyre is revised, given the fact that it is invoked among non-explicit formulas of value and critical ethos. This is done by selecting corpora centered on the class “Notas sobre el canon” which was uploaded to the virtual platform of the “Diplomatura en Lectura, Escritura y Educación-FLACSO” directed by Martín Kohan. These documents are read in light of: the contribution by Sandra Contreras in relation to literary value (2010) and an article by Kohan (2013) in which he reconsiders value to speak about the notion of post autonomy postulated by Josefina Ludmer.

Author Biography

Sergio Peralta

Cursa el Doctorado en Humanidades con mención en Letras de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Es becario de CONICET y ha publicado varios trabajos de investigación histórica, entre los que se cuentan Fotogramas santafesinos y Ciudad-Set (en prensa), así como también artículos sobre literatura, cine y enseñanza.



How to Cite

Peralta, S. (2016). Polémicas profesionales: valor literario y foquismo moral. Badebec, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v6i11.212