Voces que se agitan. Oralidad en tres escenas performáticas brasileñas


  • Mario Cámara




Literature, Acoustic traditions, Vocal, Technology oralities, Oral Interpretation


This article proposes to examine three moments or scenes of Brazilian literature involving the use of the voice. The first scene is presented as a scene that prefigures the modernist character and disruptive of an author as Oswald de Andrade; and others, that consider the use of voice in the group of concrete poetry and a series of performative events called "artimanhas", are proposed for the purpose of thinking voice applications that go beyond mere representation or reproduction of the written word.

Author Biography

Mario Cámara

Es Profesor Adjunto de Literatura Brasileña y Portuguesa (UBA), Investigador Adjunto en CONICET. Es autor de Cuerpos paganos. Usos y efectos en la cultura brasileña (1960- 1980). Buenos Aires: Santiago Arcos, 2011. (traducido al portugués, 2014).



How to Cite

Cámara, M. (2014). Voces que se agitan. Oralidad en tres escenas performáticas brasileñas. Badebec, 4(07). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v4i07.97