Un gótico orillero: Pedro Lemebel


  • Marcela Croce




Gothic Aesthetics, Queer Studies, Gender Studies, Representations of the disease


The article proposes a round through some chronicles of Pedro Lemebel in which the Gothic Aesthetics is imposed. According to María Negroni, if this choice is justified in the case of the female figure –by effective presence, bleak absence or spatial movement–, the first adjustment to the gender is the foreground that the trans acquires in the texts, although in this case the aesthetic territory is in dispute with the baroque verbal resources which place Lemebel in the series began in South America by Néstor Perlongher with the neobarroso. References to the suburbs in Santiago, death by AIDS with all its funeral paraphernalia around emaciated bodies and the emergence of urban tribes in dispute for the urban space with the alleged divas of the suburb are some of the features in which the Gothic lemebeliano unfolds with vocation of political resistance.

Author Biography

Marcela Croce

Es Doctora en Letras, docente de Problemas de Literatura Latinoamericana y profesora de Posgrado (UBA). Además de colaborar con revistas nacionales y extranjeras, dictó cursos en la UFMG y dirige un equipo UBACyT sobre literaturas comparadas. Es autora de CONTORNO. Izquierda y proyecto cultural (1996), Osvaldo Soriano, el mercado complaciente (1998), David Viñas. Crítica de la razón polémica (2005) y la trilogía Latinoamericanismo que comprende Historia intelectual de una geografía inestable (2010), Una utopía intelectual (2011) y Canon, crítica y géneros discursivos (2013). También publicó El cine infantil de Hollywood (2008) y Jacqueline du Pré, el mito asediado (2009).



How to Cite

Croce, M. (2014). Un gótico orillero: Pedro Lemebel. Badebec, 3(06). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v3i06.79