Humanities and postcolonial critique (Latin American territories)


  • Laura Catelli Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Rosario Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Princeton University


postcolonial theory, decolonial turn, Latin American postcolonial critique, territory, colonialism


This brief essay presents some questions about the Humanities in the Latin American context in recent times. In particular, the following question is explored: what geographies, spatialities, and epistemic and political  positionalities have operated in the critical field of postcolonial critique and the decolonial turn? The main objetive is to bring these questions about the Humanities to a reflection from the perspective of postcolonial theories, a term that I use broadly to comprehend at least two critical-theoretical genealogies: postcolonial theory and the decolonial turn, and then a third position denominated Latin American Postcolonial Critique. The axis of differentiation among them is expressed as that which implicates geographies, spatialities and territories, the epistemic and political dimensions they exude, and the repercusions these terms may inflect upon situated critical interventions on the Humanities and their uncertain future. The essay is a general map of the problem, the intention is to open the deabte and to distinguish certain levels that are implicit in the idea of situated thinking and critical enunciation.  

Author Biography

Laura Catelli, Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Rosario Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Princeton University

Investigadora Independiente del Instituto Crítico en Humanidades (CONICET/UNR), Directora del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Teoría Poscolonial en la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Es Profesora Titular de Problemática del Arte Latinoamericano del Siglo XX (UNR) y Profesora Visitante en Estudios Coloniales en el Departamento de Español y Portugués de Princeton University. Su investigación está dedicada a reflexionar sobre las problemáticas raciales y el colonialismo en los imaginarios cuturales latinoamericanos en la larga duración, desde una perspectiva poscolonial y a partir de un abordaje transdisciplinario



How to Cite

Catelli, L. (2024). Humanities and postcolonial critique (Latin American territories). Badebec, 14(27), 103–116. Retrieved from


