New directions of the Latin American essay: identity questioning and escape routes (Fuguet, Valencia and Bolaño)


  • Félix Terrones Universität Bern


Essay, Latin America, 21st century, post-nationalisms, cosmopolitanisms, transnationalisms


Based on the essays written by Alberto Fuguet (1964), Leonardo Valencia (1969) and, Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003), this article reflects on the current situation of the essay genre related to the paradigm shifts triggered by the period of the by some called “The End of History” characterizing the rupturist dynamics coinciding with the new millennium. Moreover, we will reflect in three stages on the changes imposed by a process of globalization that would have made us think about the archaic or anachronistic character of the identity questions conveyed by means of the essay. Such questions did not only persist, but have evolved to a transnational position, in resonance with broader historical-cultural dynamics and progressively critical of globalization.

Author Biography

Félix Terrones, Universität Bern

Profesor asociado de Literatura Latinoamericana en la Universidad de Berna (Suiza). Su centro de estudio es la literatura latinoamericana entre los siglos XIX y XXI; en particular la novela y el ensayo. Su tesis de Habilitation se titula “Escritores ensayistas del siglo XXI: desplazamientos entre lo local/nacional y lo latinoamericano”. Entre otras instituciones ha trabajado en la École normale supérieure de Paris y en SciencesPo.



How to Cite

Terrones, F. (2024). New directions of the Latin American essay: identity questioning and escape routes (Fuguet, Valencia and Bolaño). Badebec, 14(27), 39–63. Retrieved from