The Chaco as a Literary Region in 21st Century Argentine Narrative


  • Laura Aguirre Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Universidad Nacional de Formosa


Argentine literature, Region, Space, 21st century


Different sites in Chaco are imagined in Argentine literature of the 21st century through aesthetic proposals that share the following aspect: there is a unique connection between a space and the characters inhabiting it. In El viento que arrasa (2012) by Selva Almada, Bajo este sol tremendo (2009) by Carlos Busqued, Una casa junto al Tragadero (2017) by Mariano Quirós, and La estirpe (2021) by Carla Maliandi, references to Chaco not only characterize the backdrop against which the stories of peculiar and abandoned characters unfold, but also form part of a procedure that creates a estranged perspective on the region. In what ways does contemporary Argentine literature explore and transform Chaco into an imaginary space? How is spatiality problematized in these works? How does this literature inscribe itself in the present? These are some of the questions that guide the reading.

Author Biography

Laura Aguirre, Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Universidad Nacional de Formosa

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) y becaria doctoral de UNNE-CONICET con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas (Resistencia, Chaco). Profesora en las cátedras de Literatura argentina II de la Universidad Nacional de Formosa (UNaF) y de Teoría Literaria en la UNNE. Ha publicado artículos sobre literatura argentina contemporánea. Participó como autora en Veinte apuntes para una literatura del siglo XXII (2022), editado y compilado por Nieves Battistoni y Bernardo Orge.



How to Cite

Aguirre, L. (2024). The Chaco as a Literary Region in 21st Century Argentine Narrative. Badebec, 14(27), 20–38. Retrieved from