Literature, life, money. The diaries of Fabián Casas and Rosario Bléfari


  • Anahí Mallol Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de las Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Diary, Poetics, Fabián Casas, Rosario Bléfari


When considering the reading and analysis of a diary, several questions arise, especially questions about the status of the literary genre and writing itself. Because, from the diarist's point of view, one can write to become a writer or feel like a writer, to combat the idea of failure or fraud of oneself as a writer, one can have the diary as a repository of ideas, sketches of poems, stories. , novels, songs, or you can have a diary for the sole pleasure of writing a little every day. All these possibilities run through the diaries of Rosario Bléfari and Fabián Casas, and show in their unfolding profound aesthetic, and even gender, differences.

Author Biography

Anahí Mallol, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de las Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Dra. en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Independiente del CONICET. Profesora Titular de Poesía II y Profesora Adjunta de Teoría Literaria. Autora de los libros El poema y su doble, Poesía argentina entre dos siglos, y editora, con Silvio Mattoni, de La poesía como transterritorio. Publicó también doce libros de poemas.



How to Cite

Mallol, A. (2024). Literature, life, money. The diaries of Fabián Casas and Rosario Bléfari. Badebec, 13(26), 217–232. Retrieved from


