The Writing of Jean Paul Sartre and the Narratives of his Being at War


  • Alejandra Estefanía Quiroz Tirado Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México


Being, Experience, War, Memory, Writing


This article proposes the joint analysis of three representative texts in the biographical, fictional and theoretical work of the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. The personal experience that crosses the whole analysis is Sartre’s participation during Second World War as a military auxiliary. Thus, in this article, we reflect about the way in which writing is a practice and also a fundamental space to reconstruct memory, and how writing shapes the writer’s existential dimension and his place regarding the experience. The category “being in the world”, proposed by Heidegger and reinterpreted by Sartre, allows us to understand the function that writing has in the construction and narration of existence.

Author Biography

Alejandra Estefanía Quiroz Tirado, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México

Investigadora peruana y abogada por la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca (Perú). Maestra en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades y actualmente estudiante de Doctorado en la misma área, ambos estudios en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México (UAM). Integrante de la Asociación de Filosofía y Liberación/Mujeres y de la Editorial feminista autónoma Biznaga. Al momento de la elaboración de este artículo, se encuentra realizando una estancia de investigación en la Escuela de Análisis Cultural de la Universidad de Ámsterdam. La autora agradece a la UAM y al Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías de México por respaldar y posibilitar su formación académica.



How to Cite

Quiroz Tirado, A. E. (2024). The Writing of Jean Paul Sartre and the Narratives of his Being at War. Badebec, 13(26), 1–25. Retrieved from


