Commited Poetry. Writing and Institutionalization with Héctor Viel Temperley and Marisa Wagner


  • Francisco Gelman Constantin Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



Poetry, Institutionalization, Reference, Hospitalization, Voices


This paper explores the way in which poetry books Hospital Británico by Héctor Viel Temperley and Los montes de la loca by Marisa Wagner work on the forms of constitution of boundaries and porosities of hospitals, their connection and disconnection with broader communities and their conflicts and differences, as they recast their speech into a situated and referential state against the transcendent presuppositions of art and literature’s autonomy from its production conditions. It begins by reconsidering the role of the concept of reference in the understanding of the poetic in relation to how it operated in the history of literary studies, and what form of reappropriation of reference is proposed by these books. It then analyzes what movements the poems make based on the constitution of reference, as they work on the dispersion of voices and gazes. Finally, it considers what forms the poems give to the caesura between interiority and exteriority, overwriting the logic of hospitalization.

Author Biography

Francisco Gelman Constantin, Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Investiga escrituras, voces y obras artísticas en relación con el terreno de la salud, como becario posdoctoral del Conicet, desde la Universidad de Buenos Aires (en el Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana), la Universidad Nacional de Lanús y la UNTREF. Ha dictado clases en distintas instituciones públicas y comunitarias, y fue dos veces becario del Servicio de Intercambio Académico Alemán (DAAD). Ha publicado El mapa dolorido del cuerpo, antología de la poeta cearense Virna Teixeira (EFFL, 2021) y diversos artículos en revistas y libros colectivos. Sus poemas han aparecido en las revistas Cara de perro y Theodora.



How to Cite

Gelman Constantin, F. (2023). Commited Poetry. Writing and Institutionalization with Héctor Viel Temperley and Marisa Wagner. Badebec, 12(24), 50–74.


