Barrilete and its “Report on Che”


  • Agustina Catalano Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Che Guevara, Barrilete, Argentine Poetry, Sixties


Che Guevara's presence in the intellectual and artistic field of the 1960s was mixed and persistant, probably like no other. This paper focuses on one of these multiple appearances: the 13th number of the cultural magazine Barrilete, directed by Alberto Costa and Carlos Patiño, pages in which a series of texts under the title “Report on Che” can be read. Between passion and pessimism, homage and digression, glory and humanization, certainty and doubt; reading these poems allows an approach to the image of Che from different angles.

Author Biography

Agustina Catalano, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Actualmente se encuentra finalizando el doctorado en Letras en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Forma parte de los grupos de investigación “Literatura, política y cambio” (Facultad de Humanidades, UNMdP) y “Escritores y escrituras en la prensa” (FaHCE, UNLP). Es becaria del CONICET y estudiante de la Tecnicatura en Archivística y Gestión Documental en el ISFDyT N° 8 en La Plata.



How to Cite

Catalano, A. (2022). Barrilete and its “Report on Che”. Badebec, 12(23), 192–210.