La retórica en cuestión


  • Nicolás Garayalde Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



de Man, Barthes, Rhetoric, Theory of Reading


This essay derives from a reading of the book Barthes en cuestión, which includes an article by Paul de Man on Barthesian thought and an article by Judith Podlubne on de Man's reading of Barthes. From that point, I try to continue thinking about the tensions between Barthes and de Man considering the following hypothesis: the history of literary theory is the history of a self-challenge of its foundations before the akcnowledgment of the lack of correspondence between sign and thing; akcnowledgment that opened the way to an incessant interaction between the theory of reading and the return of rhetoric —abandoned in the 19th century—. In this context, the differences between Barthes and de Man are based on the different modes of rhetoric they assume (of elocutio, in the first of them; of tropes, in the other one) and their consequent criticisms (a criticism as literature, in the first of them; a negative epistemology of reading, in the other one).

Author Biography

Nicolás Garayalde, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Doctor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Investigador asistente de CONICET, Profesor de Teoría Literaria (UNC) e Investigador asociado al Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Modèles Esthétiques et Littéraires (Universidad de Reims, Francia). E-mail:



How to Cite

Garayalde, N. (2021). La retórica en cuestión. Badebec, 11(21), 53–85.