Tadeys, una cosmogonía anal


  • Christian Estrade




Abstract: Tadeys, Osvaldo Lamborghini's incomplete novel, is a text limit, a transgression novel that is postulated as a medieval dystopia. Though in the continuity of other pornographic and political texts of the author, this one advances actually towards a more systematic reorganization of the society articulated across the sodomy as unique erotic figure. Tadeys deploys a pornographic grammar as a remeaning of the sexuality from the pairing phallus - anus.
This work proposes Tadeys as a treatise on sodomy, as a pornographic fiction that constructs a universe around this unique figure postulating an anal cosmogony that takes the pornography to his more political and radical expression. In the disciplinary eroticism of Tadeys, the education, the social, the political and the faith, are devices of sexuality distorted by a new absurd order that questions the present one.

Author Biography

Christian Estrade

Christian Estrade es profesor titular de Literatura latinoamericana en la Universidad de Toulouse Jean Jaurès (Francia). En 2016 coeditó Diarios latinoamericanos del siglo XX en la editorial Peter Lang. Sus investigaciones actuales siguen una perspectiva genética centradas en el archivo Copi, donde analiza los borradores de sus obras, narrativa y teatral, depositadas en el IMEC (Institut des Mémoires de l’Edition Contemporaine). Paralelamente lleva a cabo un amplio estudio sobre pornografías latinoamericanas contemporáneas dentro del cual se inscribe el presente artículo.



How to Cite

Estrade, C. (2019). Tadeys, una cosmogonía anal. Badebec, 8(16 (Marzo), 73–93. https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v8i16 (Marzo).367


