Trayectorias editoriales inversas: escritores argentinos de narrativa entre fines del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI


  • María Belén Riveiro



Sociology of literature, Publishing field, Publishing trajectory, Literary value


Abstract: In Argentina during the 90s and 80s of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century the field of publishing is polarized between transnational publishing houses and self-proclaimed independent ones. How are these transformations translated into publishing practices? I build the publishing trajectories of Argentinian writers, dedicated to literature, whose careers have begun in the 80s and 90s of the 20th Century and in the 21st Century to analyse their links with publishing houses and the ways literary value is created. I have found reverse publishing trajectories: in different stages of their careers writers coincide in the catalogues of publishing houses self-proclaimed independent. Exclusive rights in the author-publisher relationship cannot be identified, and self-proclaimed independent publishers are valued by writers against a background of transformations in the ways prestige is transmitted and in the ways values are created.

Author Biography

María Belén Riveiro

María Belén Riveiro es licenciada en Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Buenos Aires) donde dicta clases en la materia de Sociología general. Cursa los últimos años del Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (FSoc, UBA). Desde su beca de grado estudia la producción literaria argentina inscripta en la Sociología de la literatura. Como becaria doctoral del CONICET (Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, FSoc), se aboca a la investigación de trasformaciones dentro de la literatura de los años ochenta y noventa del siglo XX y, en particular, a la trayectoria de César Aira en su conformación como un centro atípico.



How to Cite

Riveiro, M. B. (2018). Trayectorias editoriales inversas: escritores argentinos de narrativa entre fines del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI. Badebec, 8(15), 155–178.