El gaucho gacetero y el barbeiro jornalista. La delegación de la escritura en dos periódicos satíricos del siglo XIX


  • María Laura Romano




satire, satirical-political press, gauchesca press, public sphere, delegation of writing


The article aims to analyze two satirical-political newspapers, El Gaucho and O Mestre Barbeiro, published respectively in Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre during the 1830s. Published in an unprecedented context regarding the creation of modern institutions, these political journals opted to assign their authorship to imaginary characters of popular origin. However, this procedure of transfer of the word was not used in the same manner by the two publications. Unlike El Gaucho, O Mestre Barbeiro established its enunciation device around irony, used as a rhetorical resource to erode the journal’s fictitious editor’s discourse. This difference places each newspaper in opposite ideological positions regarding the disarticulation of social hierarchies. Thus, it allows us to discern the debate in which both publications were involved, concerning the participation of social subjects alien to the culture elite in rising spaces of political deliberation

Author Biography

María Laura Romano

es profesora y licenciada en Letras de la UBA. Actualmente es doctoranda en la misma institución y profesora de Teoría y Análisis Literario en el Traductorado en Portugués del Instituto Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”. Investiga los usos de la sátira y la gauchesca en la prensa partidaria del Río de la Plata y de Rio Grande do Sul entre los años 1820-1870. Ha publicado artículos sobre el tema en revistas académicas y en actas de congresos.



How to Cite

Romano, M. L. (2015). El gaucho gacetero y el barbeiro jornalista. La delegación de la escritura en dos periódicos satíricos del siglo XIX. Badebec, 5(09). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v5i09.256