2666: hedonismo narrativo para contener el caos


  • Álvaro A. Rodríguez S.




Thematic dosage, Fractality, Narrative breathing, Literary bridges, Form and chaos, Ethics of art


This article reviews Roberto Bolaño’s novel 2666 from a hermeneutical approach and gives special attention to the author’s formal decisions. The extension of the novel and its overall structure into five parts, separated in terms of editing but strongly interconnected thematically and in form, require a critical dialogue between them. Analysis of three resources used by the author in his writing (blocks of narrative, time management, character system) and its connection with the isotopies present in the work reveals an effective narrative system that reflects the phylogenetic condition of the literary object as well as the symbiosis of aesthetics and ethics.

Author Biography

Álvaro A. Rodríguez S.

es profesional en Estudios Literarios por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Magister en Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, sede Bogotá. Su tesis de maestría Exploración y análisis de la dicotomía intelecto–otra racionalidad en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño. La parte de Fate como zona narrativa de tránsito y la cuestión de lo visual en la novela, recibió el reconocimiento de Tesis Laureada. Se desempeña como profesor de Español, Lengua y Literatura desde 1998. Actualmente trabaja en el Colegio Anglo Colombiano de Bogotá.



How to Cite

Rodríguez S., Álvaro A. (2016). 2666: hedonismo narrativo para contener el caos. Badebec, 5(10). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v5i10.243


