Esteban Echeverría y la constitución de la literatura nacional en un manuscrito inédito de Paul Groussac


  • Alejandro Eduardo Romagnoli



Esteban Echeverría, Paul Groussac, – National literature, Literary criticism


This article is a critical analysis of a mostly unpublished manuscript (dated 1882) by Paul Groussac, entirely dedicated to the life and work of Esteban Echeverría. From the title (Bibe aquam de cisterna tua), Groussac evaluates the work of Echeverría in relation to the problem of the constitution of national literature: on the one hand, almost all his work as a writer and thinker, determined by imitation and plagiarism; on the other hand, almost alone, “the happy exception of ‘La cautiva’”. This article explores the ways in which the theses of the French critic discuss the ideas of Juan Maria Gutiérrez (first critic, biographer and editor of the complete works of Echeverría) and it analyses the operations by which Groussac build a position of enunciation whose features will be present in his future work

Author Biography

Alejandro Eduardo Romagnoli

es profesor y licenciado en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Este es un trabajo parcial destinado a la producción de su tesis, dirigida por la Dra. Graciela Batticuore, como maestrando de la Maestría en Estudios Literarios (UBA). En la misma institución es adscripto de la cátedra de Literatura Argentina I “A”. Es docente universitario y profesor en institutos superiores.



How to Cite

Romagnoli, A. E. (2016). Esteban Echeverría y la constitución de la literatura nacional en un manuscrito inédito de Paul Groussac. Badebec, 5(10).


