De pájaros invisibles y otros cuentos: o fantástico feminino de María Elena Llana


  • Ana Cristina dos Santos



María Elena Llana, Female authors writing, Feminine fantastic, Gender, Identity


The present work aims to analyze the feminine fantastic in the short stories of Cuban writer María Elena Llana, from the book De pájaros invisibles y otros cuentos (2009). The feminine fantastic differs from the andocentric fantastic literature by relating the theories of gender to the ones of the fantastic literature. This way, the feminine fantastic reflects upon the feminist criticism, its relation with power, the construction/reconstruction of female characters, and its multiple identity components and the role of submission imposed by the patriarchal society on women. The work of María Elena Llana enables the discussion of these questions, especially when she creates female characters who question their own identity and the social roles that designate women to the private spaces instead of public ones. Through this questioning, these female characters establish a new order for their lives that helps them break with the imposed stereotypical patterns of behavior in order to achieve a place and voice in society.

Author Biography

Ana Cristina dos Santos

é doutora em Letras Neolatinas (UFRJ, 2002). Professora Associada do Doutorado em Literatura Comparada, Mestrado em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada e do Departamento de Letras Neolatinas (Português/Espanhol) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Membro do GT ANPOLL “Vertentes do Insólito Ficcional”. Desenvolve pesquisas acerca da escrita de autoria feminina contemporânea da América Latina, com ênfase nos estudos dos deslocamentos espaciais, da crítica cultural e dos estudos de gênero. Possui artigos publicados em periódicos nacionais e internacionais. Organizou, com Rita Diogo, o livro O fantástico em IberoAmérica: literatura e cinema (Dialogarts, 2015).



How to Cite

dos Santos, A. C. (2016). De pájaros invisibles y otros cuentos: o fantástico feminino de María Elena Llana. Badebec, 6(11).