¡Quiero trabajo!, de María Luisa Carnelli: subjetividad feminista revolucionaria en la Buenos Aires de 1930


  • Florencia Angilletta




María Luisa Carnelli, ¡Quiero trabajo!, Sex/gender perspective, Argentine literature


The article focuses on the novel ¡Quiero trabajo! by the writer, journalist and tango lyricist Maria Luisa Carnelli, published in 1933 by Editorial Tor. This novel is framed in the social, political and sex/gender of Buenos Aires in the Thirties context. The hypothesis is that the novel can be read in building a revolutionary feminist subjectivity as a form of dissent against the normalizing variable “ideology of domesticity”, characteristic of the stage of modernization in Argentina. The text operates as an anomalous artifact coordinates of its time, through a double movement: on the one hand, the visibility of the statu quo related to marriage and the domestic sphere; on the other hand, the emergence of possible negotiations and dissidence in the public sphere.

Author Biography

Florencia Angilletta

Es Licenciada y Profesora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y becaria doctoral del CONICET. Realiza sus investigaciones en el marco del Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas (UBA), dicta clases en el nivel terciario y ha publicado artículos en revistas académicas y en distintos medios de comunicación.



How to Cite

Angilletta, F. (2016). ¡Quiero trabajo!, de María Luisa Carnelli: subjetividad feminista revolucionaria en la Buenos Aires de 1930. Badebec, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v6i11.228