Hacer vivir afuera. En la frontera de la vida.


  • Fermín A. Rodríguez




Fogwill, Biopolitical fictions, Body and power, Literature and illness, Neoliberalism, Narrative of crisis


The "making live" that occupies the center of Michel Foucault’s teaching in the 1976-1980s echoes in the "living outside" of one of the Latin American novels in the last decade of the millennium which has gone further into the open multiplicities of life to make visible what was originally the neoliberal apparatus of social domination. By moving from a system of spaces to a system of living corporality, Rodolfo Fogwill’s Vivir afuera (1998) is a novel of the turn of century that make see the transformations of a power exerted on the living matter of a new “biopolitical” subject” population, in a disturbing continuity with the repressive terror of the 70s.

Author Biography

Fermín A. Rodríguez

Es investigador de Conicet, docente y crítico literario. Es el autor de Un desierto para la nación. La escritura del vacío (Eterna Cadencia, 2010), y el coeditor y traductor de Ensayos sobre biopolítica. Excesos de vida (Paidós, 2007). Es traductor, escribe en distintos medios y es profesor de literatura y teoría literaria en la Universidad de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite

Rodríguez, F. A. (2016). Hacer vivir afuera. En la frontera de la vida. Badebec, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.35305/b.v6i11.207