Reflexiones sobre una sensibilidad de época. La imaginación científica en la literatura y el periodismo (1896-1910)


  • Soledad Quereilhac



fantastic literature, scientific dissemination, spiritualism, press, social imaginary


During the years of transition between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, early scientific fantasies arose in the Río de la Plata; they adopted the form of fantastic short stories and were published, originally, in newspapers and magazines, accompanied in many cases by illustrations. Far from represent mere manifestations of a personal occurrence, these stories were the literary reworking of discussions about science and its achievements, which incorporated both the register of journalism and of vulgarized representations. A distinctive feature of many of these stories, signed by Argentine and Uruguayans writers like E. L. Holmberg, L. Lugones and H. Quiroga, was its plot coincidence with newspaper articles reporting curiosities and “weird cases” of sciences in Caras y Caretas magazine, in the newspapers La Prensa y La Nación, but also in spiritualistic magazines such as Constancia and Philadelphia. These coincidences were not produced in isolation, but, on the contrary, with regular frequency during the passage of centuries. Instead of searching a voluntary intertextuality, we want to analyze how two types of utterances -the literary, the journalistic- arrived to common imaginary perspectives, guided both by the same ‘structure of feeling’.

Author Biography

Soledad Quereilhac

Es Doctora en Letras e Investigadora del CONICET. Es docente de “Problemas de la literatura argentina” en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. Es miembro del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” donde se han radicado, también, los proyectos UBACyT que integra desde 2001, centrados en las relaciones entre literatura argentina y prensa. Es crítica literaria de adncultura, diario La Nación, y miembro del comité editor de la revista cultural Las Ranas. Artes, ensayo, traducción. Es autora del libro La imaginación científica. Literatura fantástica y ciencias ocultas en el Buenos Aires de entresiglos, 1875-1910, de próxima aparición por editorial Siglo XXI.



How to Cite

Quereilhac, S. (2014). Reflexiones sobre una sensibilidad de época. La imaginación científica en la literatura y el periodismo (1896-1910). Badebec, 4(08).


